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News and ArticlesSales Tax

LLC Business Tax Attorney Norcross

LLC Business Tax Attorney Norcross What Is an LLC?: An LLC is a business structure similar to a sole-proprietorship or a general partnership. According to the IRS, 'It is designed to provide the limited liability features of a corporation and the tax efficiency and operational flexibility of a partnership. As a…
Ansari Law Firm
June 29, 2016
IRS TaxNews and Articles

IRS Tax Audit Attorney Atlanta

IRS Tax Audit Attorney Atlanta Has the IRS sent you a notice of audit? Let’s talk about this and something called a Document Request. If the IRS has contacted you for audit, they have assigned a field auditor to your account. Whether this is a personal audit or a business audit,…
Ansari Law Firm
June 29, 2016
News and ArticlesSales Tax

DOL Tax Audit Attorney Atlanta

DOL Tax Audit Attorney Atlanta If you are being audited by DOL, it is most likely because you are a business based out of Illinois with at least a handful of independent contractors. The DOL will look at whether these independent contractors are truly contractors or employees. The problem starts…
Ansari Law Firm
June 29, 2016
IRS TaxNews and Articles

IRS Tax Attorney Alpharetta

IRS Tax Attorney Alpharetta The most common tax and business issues that we get from the 30004 are code are for tax appeals dealing with the IRS office at the Atlanta location, or the DOR sales tax Department. The result is often an assessment of back taxes, interest, penalties – sometimes even…
Ansari Law Firm
June 29, 2016