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Healthcare practice tax audit

By June 6, 2024June 14th, 2024Healthcare Audit

Healthcare practice tax audit

When auditing a healthcare practice, the IRS typically looks for several key elements to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations. Here are the primary areas of focus:

1. Income Reporting:
Accuracy of Revenue Reporting: Ensuring that all income, including patient fees, insurance payments, and other sources, is accurately reported.
Unreported Income: Identifying any income that may not have been reported, such as cash payments or bartered services.

2. Expense Deductions:
Legitimacy of Deductions: Verifying that deductions claimed are legitimate, ordinary, and necessary for the practice.
Documentation: Checking that proper documentation exists for all deductions, including receipts, invoices, and other supporting documents.

3. Payroll Taxes:
Employee vs. Independent Contractor Classification: Ensuring correct classification of workers as employees or independent contractors and proper reporting of payroll taxes.
Timeliness of Payroll Tax Deposits: Verifying that payroll taxes are deposited timely and accurately.

4. Compliance with Tax Forms:
1099 and W-2 Forms: Ensuring that appropriate forms are issued to contractors and employees, and that they are filed correctly.
Corporate Tax Returns: Examining the accuracy and completeness of corporate tax returns if the practice is incorporated.

5. Personal Expenses:
Personal vs. Business Expenses: Ensuring that personal expenses are not being claimed as business expenses.
Travel and Entertainment: Scrutinizing travel and entertainment expenses to ensure they are legitimate business expenses.

6. Specific Industry Concerns:
Medicare and Medicaid Fraud: Checking for any fraudulent claims or misuse of Medicare and Medicaid funds.
Medical Supplies and Equipment: Ensuring that the purchase and use of medical supplies and equipment are properly documented and expensed.

7. Internal Controls:
Financial Management: Assessing the practice’s internal controls over financial management to prevent fraud and errors.
Segregation of Duties: Evaluating the segregation of duties to ensure that no single individual has control over all aspects of financial transactions.

8. Related Entities:
Transactions with Related Entities: Reviewing transactions between the practice and related entities to ensure they are conducted at arm’s length and properly reported.

9. Previous Audit Findings:
Follow-Up on Prior Audits: Checking if any issues identified in previous audits have been corrected and if compliance has been maintained.
Proper record-keeping and adherence to tax laws are crucial for healthcare practices to avoid issues during an IRS audit. It’s advisable to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and prepare for potential audits.

Healthcare practice tax audit

Ansari Law Firm

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